Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Greetings! And a better explanation of this thing.

Hey all!  So this is my first foray into blogging and I have to say: I hate it.  Not the blogging itself, but the design.  I'm just savvy enough to know that this prefab design is the pits but not savvy enough to know how to make it the awesomeness that I would like.  And who has the time to do this stuff properly?  Oh... right... most people.  Well..... shut up.  In any case, this is a brief explanation of this blog.  The title is a bad pun on the word semantics.  I like bad puns, and I like semantic arguments, so there ya go.  As for the content, it was an idea that Mr. X had and I figured it couldn't hurt to play along.  He's someone who's really rooting for me to make something of myself in the film/TV world and eventually the academic field.  He thought that since I write reasonably good short film reviews on my Facebook account and I also freelance as a story analyst I should actually start writing full film reviews.  Inspired by (aka ripping off) Bogdonavich's Movie of the Week book, we decided to do a weekly review of a film.  Now the aim is to have me watch and review movies that I've never seen before.  That hopefully will give the review a feeling of relative spontaneity.  I mean, if I've been thinking about this movie for years then the review probably won't be as "honest" as a first viewing, which is really what a movie review should be.  And to give this thing a little more organization Mr. X thought it would be a good idea (and kinda fun) to group these movies into "themes".  These could be things like, "Fast Cars and Loose Women" or "Poorly Dubbed Kung-Fu" or "New England Yuppie Angst" or whatever.  I'll pick a theme from a hat full of potential themes and Mr. X will pick a number of movies (usually a month's worth, so 4) for me to watch that fall under the theme.  And I guess we'll see how this goes.

